Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And Oh My God Online Radio

So, somebody recently pointed out to me that a lot of the music I like is either folk or David Bowie-sounding.

So I recently learned all about Pandora. (This is going back to that whole Luddite thing I've mentioned--I think it is probably decidedly unhip to only be learning about Pandora online now, right??) I like the Pandora interface better than Last FM. Just now, Pandora is playing some Rolling Stones for me. I feel like a jerk, but I find the Rolling Stones to be terribly boring. gasp.

Anyway--I'm liking this business of I tell it music I like, and it figures out my taste.

So far, it has not played me a single David Bowie song. bwah ahaahaha. I bet if I put in David Byrne it'll give me some David Bowie.

It's giving me way, way too much Velvet Underground. I like the Velvet Underground, but I've heard most of their stuff. I want to hear new stuff. So do I tell it Velvet Underground, then it quits playing so damn much??

I'm gonna' try it.

Oh kay. Now I want it to give me a bunch of brit-a-billy. (I just made that up. But I tricked you, didn't I? I made you think I know stuff).

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Hey--it's neat that you're here reading this. This is an interesting village. I mean, the one I'm making up here. You'll be bored sometimes, sure. But where's the fun in being interesting ALL of the time??

I think it should go without saying, but I have felt the need to say it recently:

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