Monday, March 28, 2011

Weeping at work

This morning our office/operations person asked the boss man if he weeps behind his office door every day a particular colleague works.

I said it must be nice to have a door to weep behind.  I weep wherever I am. 

Later, I was googling places to put Pearl and I asked another of my colleagues what he did when he was a kid.  He said that he went swimming and skateboarding and so on.
Me: No, where'd you go while your mom was at work?
Him: My mom didn't work.

For some reason, that sentence sent me into a weeping tizzy.  I still have the knot in my throat over it, and even as I type this I have difficulty not weeping again. 

Oh wah.  I think this must be self pity because I want to be a stay-at-home/work-at-home mom.  Or because of my still-returning-to-hormones-as-usual-post-sterilization-surgery menses.


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Does blogging seem vain to anybody else?

Hey--it's neat that you're here reading this. This is an interesting village. I mean, the one I'm making up here. You'll be bored sometimes, sure. But where's the fun in being interesting ALL of the time??

I think it should go without saying, but I have felt the need to say it recently:

All the stuff in this blog, except where otherwise noted, is my intellectual property, and if you'd like to use anything here, kindly seek my approval.